Saturday, 16 August 2014

Introduction to Java Language

Hey guys should we start to disscuss about java language so let's start.........:)

Introduction of java: 

  1. Java is a high-level, third generation programming language, like C, FORTRAN, Perl, and many others. 
  2. You can use Java to write computer applications that play games, store data or do any of the thousands of other things computer software can do. 
  3. Compared to other programming languages, Java is most similar to C. However although Java shares much of C's syntax, it is not C. Knowing how to program in C or, better yet, C++, will certainly help you to learn Java more quickly, but you don't need to know C to learn Java.

 Java language is called as an Object-Oriented Programming language. java language is based on objects and classes                                                         


Objects are important runtime entities in object oriented method. They may characterize a location, a bank account, and a table of data or any entry that the program must handle.


A class is a set of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behaviour (operations), 
and common link to other objects. The complete set of data and code of an object can be made a 
user defined data type with the help of class.
The objects are variable of type class. A class is a collection of objects of similar type. Classes 
are user defined data types and work like the build in type of the programming language.